• (519) 842-4134
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Summer is over.
Children are back in school.
The 2024-25 curling season will be starting soon.
Preparation at the club has begun. We need your help with one of the many tasks required before we open our doors for the season.
Volunteers Needed:

  • Marketing Door Hangers – Do you like to walk? Over the next three weeks, we need walkers to distribute door hangers throughout Tillsonburg and surrounding communities. We are also looking for local businesses that can hand out these marketing hangers to customers.
  • Ice Preparation – Need volunteers to assist with 
    • Whitewash application of the ice surface. This job requires holding and moving the paint hose while our painter applies the paint to the ice.
    • Covering the ice carpet prior to the paint. 
    • Assist with installing ice decals and mounting of the new wall advertising.
    • Putting the rock handles back on our newly refurbished rocks
  • ‘Warming’ Nights – September 25, 26 & 27 are the information nights at the club. Members will be registering for the 2024-25 season and potential new members will be stopping by the club to learn about the club. We need volunteers at these ‘Warming’ Nights. Time: 6:15 pm to 8:30 pm.
  • Lounge and Kitchen – Looking for volunteers to assist with cleaning lounge chairs. Also, cleaning and decluttering the club’s kitchen. 

If you’d like to volunteer your time to assist with getting our club ready to open please contact Diane Kleer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call/text her at 519-550-6581.

Thank you in advance for volunteering your time.


The Tillsonburg Curling Club (TCC) is a safe and inclusive space in which guests and curlers alike can thrive.  We strive to be a community that welcomes and supports people of all backgrounds and identities. This includes, but is not limited to, members of any race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, color, immigration status, social and economic class, educational level, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability.


We agree to behave in a friendly and patient manner both on and off the ice.  We understand that everyone has different levels of experience and skill on the ice.  We all have areas of our game with room for improvement.  We endeavour to be a club where people cannot only compete, but also feel comfortable asking questions and learning along the way. Reports of exclusionary language, behaviour, and harassment are taken seriously at TCC.  If you believe someone is violating this Code of Conduct, if you experience any of this behaviour, feel unwelcome or unsafe in our Centre, please contact your League Convenor, Board Member, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For all athletes (regardless of age) and for Parents and Guardians (for athletes under 18 year of age)

I will help prevent concussions by: 

  • Wearing the proper equipment for my sport and wearing it correctly. 
  • Developing my skills and strength so that I can participate to the best of my ability. 
  • Respecting the rules of my sport or activity. 
  • My commitment to fair play and respect for all (respecting other athletes, coaches, and officials). 

I will care for my health and safety by taking concussions seriously, and I understand that: 

  • A concussion is a brain injury that can have both short- and long-term effects. 
  • A blow to my head, face or neck, or a blow to the body that causes the brain to move around inside the skull may cause a concussion. 
  • A person does not need to lose consciousness to have had a concussion. 
  • I have a commitment to concussion recognition and reporting, including self-reporting of possible concussion and reporting to the Club Board of Director, League Convenor or Coach when I suspect that another individual may have sustained a concussion. (Meaning: If I think I might have a concussion I should stop participating in further training, practice, or competition immediately, or tell an adult if I think another athlete has a concussion). 
  • Continuing to participate in further training, practice or competition with a possible concussion increases my risk of more severe, longer lasting symptoms, and increases my risk of other injuries. 

I will not hide concussion symptoms. I will speak up for myself and others. 

  • I will not hide my symptoms. I will tell the Club Board of Director, League Convenor, a coach, parent or another adult I trust if I experience any symptoms of concussion. 
  • If someone else tells me about concussion symptoms, or I see signs they might have a concussion, I will tell the Club Board of Director, League Convenor a coach, parent or another adult I trust so they can help. 
  • I understand that if I have a suspected concussion, I will be removed from sport and that I will not be able to return to training, practice, or competition until I undergo a medical assessment by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner and have been medically cleared to return to training, practice or competition. 
  • I have a commitment to sharing any pertinent information regarding incidents of removal from sport with my school and any other sport organization with which I have registered (Meaning: If I am diagnosed with a concussion, I understand that letting all of my other coaches and teachers know about my injury will help them support me while I recover.) 

I will take the time I need to recover because it is important for my health. 

  • I understand my commitment to supporting the return-to-sport process (I will have to follow Curling Canada’s Return-to-Play Protocol). 
  • I understand I will have to be medically cleared by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner before returning to training, practice, or competition. 
  • I will respect my coaches, parents, health-care professionals, and medical doctors and nurse practitioners, regarding my health and safety. 

I can help prevent concussions through my:

  • Efforts to ensure that my athletes wear the proper equipment and wear it correctly.
  • Efforts to help my athletes develop their skills and strength so they can participate to the best of their abilities.
  • Respect for the rules of my sport or activity and efforts to ensure that my athletes do, too.
  • Commitment to fair play and respect for all (respecting other coaches, Club officials and all participants and ensuring my athletes respect others and play fair).  

I will care for the health and safety of all participants by taking concussions seriously. I understand that:

  • A concussion is a brain injury that can have both short- and long-term effects.
  • A blow to the head, face, or neck, or a blow to the body may cause the brain to move around inside the skull and result in a concussion.
  • A person doesn’t need to lose consciousness to have had a concussion.
  • An athlete with a suspected concussion should stop participating in training, practice or competition immediately.
  • I have a commitment to concussion recognition and reporting, including self-reporting of possible concussion and reporting to a designated person when an individual suspects that another individual may have sustained a concussion.
  • Continuing to participate in further training, practice, or competition with a suspected concussion increases a person’s risk of more severe, longer lasting symptoms, and increases their risk of other injuries or even death.

I will create an environment where participants feel safe and comfortable speaking up. I will:

  • Encourage athletes not to hide their symptoms, but to tell me, the Club Manager, the respective League Convenor, parent, or another adult they trust if they experience any symptoms of concussion after an impact.
  • Lead by example. I will tell a fellow coach, Club Manager, or the respective League Convenor and seek medical attention by a physician or nurse practitioner if I am experiencing any concussion symptoms.
  • Understand and respect that any athlete with a suspected concussion must be removed from sport and not permitted to return until they undergo a medical assessment by a physician or nurse practitioner and have been medically cleared to return to training, practice, or competition.
  • Commit to providing opportunities before and after each training, practice, and competition to enable athletes to discuss potential issues related to concussions.
  • I will support all participants to take the time they need to recover.
  • I understand my commitment to supporting Curling Canada’s return-to-play protocol.
  • I understand the athletes will have to be cleared by a physician or nurse practitioner before returning to sport.
  • I will respect my fellow coaches, Club officials, parents, physicians and nurse practitioners and any decisions made with regards to the health and safety of my athletes.

This is what is GREAT about Curling:

  • Social Sport: Curling is a very social activity, both on the ice and in the clubhouse after the game. Weekly league play and countless special activities during the season give club members the opportunity to meet many people and make new friends.
  • Manageable Exercise: Curling is as much exercise as you want it to be. It can be a way to develop and maintain your flexibility or it can be a great physical workout ... It's your choice! A number of our curlers use a stick for delivery rather than sliding out from the hack thus avoiding all that bending.
  • No Age Limitations: Children can begin curling when they are as young as 10 years old. At the other end of the spectrum, TCC has active members beyond 80 years of age! Curling is an activity that you can enjoy for your entire life ... It's never too late to start curling!
  • Easy to Learn: It takes about an hour of instruction and practice for most people to become comfortable "on the ice". 

Who? What? When? ...

Who can join the Tillsonburg Curling Club?

Membership includes a wide spectrum of individuals from beginners to experienced curlers and from once-a-week curlers to avid enthusiasts.

What are some of the benefits of joining the Tillsonburg Curling Club?

  • A Learn-to-Curl program is available for beginners.
  • A wide-variety of leagues are available, both competitive and social, for men, women, mixed and seniors. 
  • Curling is a relatively inexpensive winter past-time where one can meet and enjoy people.

When does the season begin and end?

The curling season runs from the third week in October through to the end of March each year.

What equipment will I need to get started?

Brooms and sliders are available to loan for those just starting out. The club has an excellent pro shop where one can purchase shoes, brooms, gloves and apparel at very reasonable prices.

What does a yearly membership cost?

The cost is far less than most clubs and other sports.

How does one join a league or a team?

In September, the Club hosts an open-house evening where you can drop in to inquire about leagues and to register for league or team play.

Can I still join the club even though the season has already started?

New members are welcome at any time throughout the season. We will help to find a spot for you and fees will be prorated as necessary.

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Our Location

128 Concession Street E.,
Tillsonburg, Ontario


Contact Us

PO Box 72,
Tillsonburg ON N4G 4H3

(519) 842-4134

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About The Club

The Tillsonburg Curling Club is proud to offer a safe and fun curling experience for all.  We welcome all skill levels to come out and enjoy curling. 

© 2025 Tillsonburg Curling Club. All Rights Reserved. | Curling Club Management System and Website by CurlingClubManager.com